Terms of use on the Couponi AE website and all of its divisions, subsidiaries, and internet sites to which these Terms and Conditions are referenced.
When visiting the site, the customer or user acknowledges his/her acceptance of the current terms and conditions. Do not use this Couponi AE site.
Couponi AE website administrators reserve the right to change or modify/edit all or parts of the terms of use and conditions or add or remove information or data at any time.
When Couponi AE posts change on the Site it will become effective without prior notice. Review the General Terms of Use and Conditions for updates. Also, the Privacy Policy of Couponi AE.
The followings are the terms of use of Couponi AE. These terms constitute a legally binding agreement between customers/users and Couponi AE.
So, please review the following terms and conditions concerning your use and access to our website.
By using or accessing to Couponi AE website and any services, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions.
If customers or users do not agree with these terms and conditions, Couponi AE will prohibit customers/users from using services or accessing the site.
Use of the site
This site notice is that users/customers are at least 18 years old or are visiting the site under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian.
The purpose of this license is to use the services on the site under the terms and conditions of the acceptance conditions.
Certain services and related features are available on the Site or services therein.
By choosing to register or connect for any such services or related communications, users agree to provide accurate and current information about themselves and to update it in a timely manner, if such communications appear in return.
Also, each user of the site is solely responsible for memorizing the words of the methods and methods to determine the use in a proper manner.
So with respect to further liability rests with the account holder, for all activities that have spoken in his own language. In addition, use your accounts. can be liable in no event, directly or in any way, for any damages or damages of any kind, resulting from your failure to comply with this.
By agreeing to the terms of use, Couponi AE grants users a limited license to access the site and use the services for their personal use only. Couponi AE provides all data on the website.
Users agree not to reproduce, transmit and adapt the contents on our site.
You acknowledge and agree that they will not duplicate or sell any material or exploit our site for commercial or any other non-personal purpose without express written permission from Couponi AE. We may suspend or terminate the use of our website or services if Users fail to comply with any of the terms of use.
User posts
As well as the rights that apply to criticism, comment, or other content.
Also, we may delete or modify any of the posts, but we are not obligated to do so.
Please note that in some cases, we don’t approve a comment for a variety of reasons.
The site administrators reserve the right to refuse or cancel the comment request for any reason at any time.
In addition, we are keen to provide information on coupons and deals on our website. Sometimes, the causes of errors appear in the occurrence of errors and repairs.
Information Accuracy – Terms Of Use
Our target is to provide comprehensive coupons, vouchers, and deal information for customers/users.
Couponi AE collects coupons, vouchers, and discounts from various online stores, brands, and 3rd party partners.
Couponi AE doesn’t represent or give a warranty of the accuracy or use for use of any offers, including, but not limited to
- Coupons
- Vouchers
- Discounts… etc. that have been posted via the services or any third party, stores, brands…
Also, Couponi AE is not responsible for providing any value/price for any offers or vouchers posted by the client.
Also, Couponi AE is not responsible for the change of information at brands sites or stores including but not limited to
- Deals
- Coupons information
- Pricing
- Availability
- How to use
You understand that Couponi AE does not and cannot review all material made available through websites linked or linking to any part of the services.
In addition, Couponi AE does not warrant that the services or any functions contained in Couponi AE content available via the services will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the services or the server that makes them available are free of viruses or bugs.
Couponi AE, its affiliates, and publishers will not be responsible for any damages such as
- Indirect
- Consequential
- Incidental
- Punitive
- Special
or otherwise, that is associated with, a third party’s website, online store, or brand offers, regardless of whether such damages are based on contract, strict responsibility, or other theories of responsibility, and regardless of whether Couponi AE was given actual or constructive notice and extra information and statement that damages would occur.
Trademarks and copyrights
All intellectual property rights belong to Couponi AE such as files, images, video clips, images, video, and audio clips, their placement, and coordination.
Limitation of Liability
Couponi AE will not be liable for any damages resulting from the
- Use of or inability to use the services,
- Any information
- Transactions provided on third-party websites or online stores
- Downloaded from the services
Even if Couponi AE or its authorized representatives advised of the possibility of such damages, or any claim resulting from errors, omissions, or other inaccuracies in the services and/or materials or information downloaded through the services, or any claim attributable.

Third-Party Sites
Couponi AE does not sell any goods or services to consumers and nothing on this Site is not an offer to sell.
Any purchases users/customers make will be through other websites or online stores and from other companies.
Couponi AE shall not be responsible for any
- Inaccuracies
- Misrepresentations
- Any liabilities for any deals/coupons resulting from the terms and conditions of other sites.
Also, Couponi AE does not guarantee any content or data on such sites or anything offered by any other brand website or online store.
You are knowingly and voluntarily assuming all risks of using such sites to purchase/order products and services.
And also using the coupons/vouchers, deals, or other information listed on this Site.
Also, users shall agree that Couponi AE shall have no liability whatsoever from such third party sites and customers or user usage.
Users or customers acknowledge that Couponi AE is not responsible for the:
- Products
- Services
- Accuracy
- Copyright Compliance
- Legality
- Decency, or also any other aspect of the contents or any transmissions received through such sites.
Besides, you understand that any links to or from the services do not suggest that Couponi AE has been endorsed by a third party.
Or that Couponi AE is linked with a third party or a third-party website in any manner.
Besides, Couponi AE accepts no responsibility or liability for any content accessed or harm caused by any third-party website, according to users/customers.
Furthermore, other websites may collect and manage information in various ways.
So we recommend carefully reading and reviewing each website’s privacy policy page and terms of service (brands or any online store).
All trademarks, trade names, and other logos and brand characteristics displayed (collectively, the “Marks”) are trademarks and the property of Couponi AE.
Also, Without Couponi AE’s prior authorization, users/customers agree not to display or utilize Couponi AE Marks in any way.
The trademarks of third parties, brands, and online retailers are the property of their respective third-party owners.
Also, the appearance of a third-party trademark on the services does not imply that Couponi AE is affiliated with that third party or that it endorses the services or Couponi AE.
Privacy – Terms Of Use
Couponi AE respects the privacy of our users. Couponi AE attaches great importance to protecting users’ personal information when you access our website or use our services.
You can visit our website without revealing any personally identifiable information about yourself and it’s free to use.
We also expect all users of any component of the services on Couponi AE to follow all applicable copyright laws.
Couponi AE shall remove or block access to material claimed to be the subject of infringing conduct.
If Couponi AE receives or receives proper notification of claimed copyright infringement.
Regardless of whether we may be liable for such infringement under applicable law.
Disclaimer – Terms Of Use
Couponi AE provides these services. Couponi AE makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of the services or the information, content, materials, or also products available via the services.
Users also expressly agree that their use of the services is at your sole risk.
The purpose of the terms of use on the Couponi AE website is to outline the terms and conditions that users agree to when accessing and using the site’s services. Users must acknowledge and accept these terms and conditions before using the site.
شروط الاستخدام على موقع كوبونز وكافة أقسامه وفروعه ومواقع الإنترنت التي تشير إليها هذه الشروط والأحكام
عند زيارة الموقع ، يقر العميل أو المستخدم بقبوله / قبولها للشروط والأحكام الحالية. لا تستخدم هذا الموقع Couponi AE
يحتفظ مسؤولو موقع كوبونز بالحق في تغيير أو تعديل / تعديل كل أو أجزاء من شروط الاستخدام والأحكام أو إضافة أو إزالة المعلومات أو البيانات في أي وقت.